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- Gisele St. Claire
Submit (Double Delight Book 2)
Submit (Double Delight Book 2) Read online
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Table of Contents
Title Page
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Other Books by Gisele
Double Delight
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Copyright © 2017 By: Gisele St.Claire
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Gisele St.Claire holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.
Chapter 1
It was time to visit Daniel, my stepfather. He had been messaging me for a couple weeks now, saying he needed to catch me up on some news from my mom. I had delayed visiting saying I needed to give notice to take vacation time from Greens, The Realtors I worked for. He was bound to know I was bullshitting him, he had never been a dumb ass. As I threw clothes into my suitcase, Haley, my roommate hovered in the doorway.
“I’m going to miss you, Kay. It’s going to be so weird being on my own in the apartment.”
“Hey, it’s only two weeks Haley. You can spend the time masturbating away as I won’t be here to listen to any rude noises. You can have a good scream.”
She rolled her eyes. Haley was used to my ways as we had lived together a while now. Up until a year ago, there had been three of us, but our other friend, Tiff, now lived next door with her husband, Brandon. I had taken over her share of the apartment, meaning I had two good sized bedrooms and my own bathroom. We still saw Tiff every Monday when we had our girls night where we ate good food, watched a movie and gossiped.
I had never told them much about my stepfather though. Or about my mom. They knew she had paraded me through a stream of Stepdaddy’s as she chased money. My mom couldn’t live her life without wealth and I had been an unfortunate incident for her. Her relationship, if you could call it that, with my father, had been the catalyst for all the drama that came after. He had left her penniless and she had sworn it would never happen again.
Out of all my stepfather’s, Daniel, who I had met when I was seventeen, had been the only decent one. The only one who had realised I existed, beyond being a hanger on. He had told me I always had a place at his home, and even after my mother had worked her way through most of his wealth and moved onto Chuck, the Stepdad that came after, he still reminded me I could stay anytime. I had never fully worked out my mom’s relationship with Daniel. They had never seemed hooked on each other like she had with some of them. Her public displays of affection with one or two had made me feel nauseous. Largely, through my life, I had kept my head down and done the best I could with my education, given the fact I was never at one school for very long before she had us on the move again. Once I turned eighteen, she had moved on once more and this time she told me she was done raising me and I was on my own now.
It wasn’t the shock it could have been. Like I said she had been absent most of my life anyway. I graduated and eventually started at Greens where I made my good friends and I never looked back. I’d had a couple boyfriends but no one special. The girls were used to my cocky manner about guys but to be truthful I was more talk and no action if you get me. I’d not had much experience, though I was no virgin. I was kind of jealous of my friend, Tiff. She had been enjoying a ménage the last year. That woman walked around the whole time like she still had a cock up her pussy. I swear she always wore a shit-eating grin. Jealous, me? You better believe I was.
Anyhow, I couldn’t put off visiting Daniel any longer as he had said my mom had been causing chaos again and he needed to update me. I had hoped she wasn’t hanging around for his money again as he had recently recovered his wealth, having had some of his art bought by a prestigious gallery. When I had first met him, when he and my mom hooked up, he was the owner of a string of tattoo parlors. He had secretly painted on canvas, using the talent that had drawn designs on clients, until he had finally got the guts up to show them to someone. They loved his work and taken a couple pictures to try in a gallery, where they had been bought by a collector the same day. He now had a new profession, which was great because my mom had nearly caused him to go bankrupt with his tattoo business.
I hadn’t stayed at Daniel’s much. Instead, a school friend’s mom had practically let me move in there, knowing my background with my own mom. No, I hadn’t stayed at Daniel’s very often for good reason.
I had always had a huge crush on my stepdad. There was no way I could have lived with him and my mom. If they had kissed I would have wanted to punch something. I knew that was stupid. Girls got crushes all the time. But Daniel was something else. He was ten years younger than my mom and had been twenty-eight when I first met him--eleven years my senior. He had dark shaggy hair back then and the darkest eyes. When he smiled he always looked sexy and goofy at the same time. His face all kinda crinkled up. He had these really plump cheeks when he smiled. I had always wanted to reach out and touch them. I was sure that whenever he spoke, heat rose in my cheeks. I guess that was when I had started to become the brash kind of Kayla because I hadn’t wanted to appear all young and innocent around him. I always felt he was trying to save me, you know? Always telling me I had a home with him, even after my mom almost ruined him. He had got this look in his eye like he hadn’t wanted me to lose touch and even though I had tried to cut contact with him over the following years he had never given up. Still texted, called, sent me birthday and Christmas cards and checks I never cashed. When I did visit I would do it on the way somewhere else and not stay long because I couldn’t. Being too close to him killed me. But now, I had to go and he had told me I would need to stay a while—at least a few days, so somehow I was going to have to work through this crush I had. I was twenty-four now. It had been six years since my mom had hitched a ride with her next victim. I had never seen or heard from her again, yet now she had done something that affected Daniel and me once more.
I zipped up my case and turned to the doorway. I had been so lost in thought, Haley had left. I went out to spend some time with her before I drove to Daniel’s. She was my best friend and I was gonna miss her while I was gone.
The drive to Port Jeff was less than a couple hours which made my lack of visits there even lamer I guessed. I swung into the large driveway of Daniel’s colonial. He was so lucky to have not lost this amazing property. His four bed, four bathroom home in Harbor Hills looked out over the waterfront and had its own private beach. I exited my car, leaving it in front of the double garage and walked to the front door where I rang the bell. After a couple minutes the door opened and Daniel stood there.
He looked as hot as ever and I felt
my cheeks burn again. Why was I so goddamn sensitive around him? His face broke out into his signature smile and he stepped forward and embraced me in his arms. The heat from his body enveloped me. I didn’t want to move, but he then outstretched those strong arms and looked me over.
“Hey there, Kayla. It’s good to see you. You look well.”
I half smiled at him, feeling uncomfortable.
“Shoot, ignore my manners leaving you out here on the porch, come inside. You need help with your luggage?”
“Please. There’s a case in the trunk.”
“I’ll grab that and then I’ll park your car in the garage. We’ll take your luggage to your room and then I’ll fix us a drink, okay.”
“Okay,” I replied.
I hovered in the hallway while I waited, taking in the vastness of the space. Every time I came here the place took my breath away. He hadn’t decorated the place and the Realtor in me saw the potential of the property that had yet to be unleashed. The hall had a central staircase leading up to a landing from which all the other rooms veered off. It was a little old fashioned to me with its wooden moldings. It cried out for a modern makeover. If it were mine it would be fabulous.
“Okay, let’s get your things in your room.” Daniel had reappeared with my case. I grabbed my holdall from the floor and followed him up the stairs.
This wasn’t good. He was wearing jeans and they hugged his ass as he climbed the stairs. I wanted to reach out and feel his ass cheeks, see if they were as peachy as they appeared. His biceps bulged as he carried my case up the stairs. I felt between my thighs get wet. For fuck’s sake, he was only walking!
We headed a little way down the landing to my old room. He pushed open the door. It was exactly how I had left it, or rather, how my mom had decorated it. The room was ocean blue—everywhere. With its frilly curtains and bedding, it hurt my eyes to look at it. Daniel caught the grimace on my face.
“Maybe we could decorate while you’re here? Make it more your own?”
“Maybe. Though I’m not planning on staying too long, you know. My life’s back in Brooklyn and I need to return there as soon as I can.”
Daniel nodded. He looked a little disappointed and that made me feel bad.
“Though I guess it wouldn’t hurt to do a little makeover, given the hideous paint colors in here.”
“Great.” Another smile broke out on his face. “It would be good to get the house looking a little more modern. I need to make the most of having a hot Realtor in the house.”
At that, my face burned so hard I thought I might need a fire extinguisher.
Daniel ran a hand through that still shaggy brown hair. “Christ, Kayla. I meant hot as in good at your job. Jesus, I’m an idiot.”
“It’s fine.” I waved my hand in front of my face. “I knew what you meant and I am really great at my job.” I needed to get sassy Kayla back as soon as possible. That’s how I was. Confident and not afraid to speak my mind. “I’ve seen enough of this room for now. How about you fix me that drink and we sit out on the deck?”
“Sure,” Daniel answered.
I needed him out of my bedroom.
We walked back down the stairs, entering the hallway and then walked off to the right, through his vast living room with its dark leather chairs and huge TV, and out into the back yard. There was an acre of lawn out there, complete with a heated swimming pool at the rear of the lawn and a pool house. I had spent a lot of time in the pool house when I had visited when my mom lived here. It had been a place to escape, with its comfy couches and two separate rooms, one with a queen sized bed, the other a bathroom. Right now I could see it was all opened up. At the left hand side was the living room area with its large screen television against the far wall. To the right was a kitchen with all mod cons. It was perfect for hot summer evenings, lazing by the pool and eating a barbeque. We had never done that there. We had never been enough of a family to eat together, never mind relaxed together.
“I know you always kinda liked staying out there.” Daniel nodded towards the pool house. “But it’s better for this trip that you stay in the house.”
He excused himself to go fix the coffee and I took a seat on the swing seat out on the decking. There were two separate seats on it so I didn’t have to sit too close to Daniel. He came out with two steaming hot mugs of coffee and placed each one on a side table at the side of the swing seat before taking his own seat.
“So, what’s she done this time?” I cut to the chase. No point in waiting around to find out what chaos my mom had caused.
Daniel turned to me. “She’s shacked up with a film producer this time. They got married a month ago.”
It was good to see my mom hadn’t changed. Still after the men with untold riches and still keeping her only child out of her life. Not that I would have attended anyway but hey it would have been cool to know my own mom was getting hitched again.
“So how does that impact on us. Are they making a film about her life and they want us to star in it?” I joked.
Daniel sighed.
“Ah, nothing so amusing.”
“Her husband has a son. By all accounts, he’s always been a little rebellious. Excluded from school. That kind of thing. His mother died when he was eight. His father excused his behavior, right up until he met your mom.”
“He threw him out just over two weeks ago. Parker—that’s his name—went through your mom’s belongings and found my address, so he headed here to find you. He thinks he can get you to reason with your mom. I’ve tried to explain but he won’t listen to me. I said I would invite you over and we could all talk. See if there was anything we could do. I said he needed to let you explain your relationship with your mom and that you hadn’t had it easy yourself.”
“So, where’s the little brat so I can put him straight?”
Daniel’s lips curved at the corners as if he knew something I didn’t, which of course would be the case seeing as he had already met this son who had been excluded from school.
“I told him to wait in his room. I’ll call him now.”
“Wait! In his room? He’s living here?”
“Yeah. I felt bad for him. He has no one. So I told him he could stay here until he got back on his feet. I kinda think he needs a father figure.”
I shook my head. “Daniel Scott’s home for stray kids. You can’t save us all you know? Sometimes parents are just wastes of space.”
“Yeah, my own was like that, so I guess it hits a nerve when I see it someplace else. Anyway, I’m thirty-five. I’m too young to be your dad or his dad. I know you always considered me as a stepfather, Kayla, but your mom and I were never married, so I wasn’t really.”
The door banged as Tom Hardy walked through it. Well, he looked like Tom, dark hair shaved close to his head, doe eyes and a wide pout to his mouth. Obviously some employee of Daniel’s. He needed to watch his manners. He was acting like he owned the place.
“So sweet, listening to the old family reunion, so I thought I would come join in.” He held out a muscled arm. This guy was stacked and seriously worked out. I figured he could lift me with just one of those arms.
I stood up and took his hand, looking toward Daniel for clues then back at the Tom Hardy lookalike.
“I’m Kayla.”
“Aww, so formal, little...well…what should I call you? Your mommy is married to my daddy, so… stepsister?”
I stepped back. “What the heck.” I turned to Daniel. “This is Parker?”
I was expecting a boy recently excluded from school. This guy was not that young.
“Yes. Parker, meet Kayla. Kayla, Parker.”
Parker grabbed my hand and shook it. A little too firmly. I felt uncomfortable as my first thought had been how sexy the hired help was. Now I found out he was kinda my stepbrother.
“I’m sorry,” I said, flustered. “I was expecting someone a little younger.”
“I’m twenty-one, so I’m not
that old.” He replied. “How about you?”
“Well, now that those pleasantries are out of the way, I need you to come with me back to Los Angeles to get your whore of a mother away from my father.” He sneered.
I sighed. “If only life were that simple.”
“Are you kidding me? It is that simple. We go back home. You tell my pop her history with men. He kicks her out. Job done.”
“My mom hasn’t wanted anything to do with me for the last six years, so if you think I would get anywhere near her, you’re sadly mistaken.”
“Well, you need to try. I’m on the outs here. She’s bleeding him dry. That’s my inheritance we’re talking about.”
“Oh, it’s great to see that it’s your Pops you’re missing.” I sneered. “I’ve about had it with all you money oriented bastards.”
“You can’t be doing too bad. Dan says you live in New York.”
“I live in Brooklyn. I have a share in a rented apartment. I work round the goddamn clock to meet my rent. Don’t come here playing the victim because it doesn’t work with me. Do you want a nice life? Go out and earn one. I won’t be helping you with your daddy issues.”
I turned to Daniel. “Thanks for the coffee. I’m gonna head back up to my room and unpack. Maybe lie down for a bit. I’m feeling a headache coming on.”
“Okay, Kayla.” I could see in Daniel’s gaze that he wanted to say more but couldn’t.
“I’m gonna hit the pool. I’m feeling a little heated.” Parker walked off down the deck.
“I’m sorry, Kayla.” Daniel’s mouth was downturned, his shoulders slumped.
“You have nothing to be sorry about.” I reminded him. “I’m sorry that your relationship with my mom brought these problems to your door.
“We should talk about that sometime. My relationship with your mom.”
“There’s no need.”